Wednesday, March 2, 2011

On my way

I am not sure what to say, I have so much that I am thinking and feeling. Getting it all out and in order......I am not sure I can.......
I know that I have felt a wealth of emotions......I am happy, scared,excited, nervous,mostly scared at this moment.
Yesterday it really hit me...OMG I R going to be in Japan! I almost laughed, cried, and threw up all at once.
I realized how many people I love and will miss. My brother Jasso was with me all day, thank goodness. I fell apart on the motha fuckin' bus! ON THE MOTHAFUCKINGBUS YO! Like a blubbering baby I was.

One of my first life lessons through this....I am one lucking sonofbitch! I am so loved by so many. That is a gift that a lot of people don't have. I am honored and touched by all of my friends and loved ones. They are the ones that made this possible from their love and support.

This is my first picture with my new camera 


  1. I am looking forward to reading of your adventures :)

  2. So far, I love your camera.

  3. Damnit all Lacey. You take care of yourself, I am trusting you to get back here in one piece.

