Sunday, April 10, 2011


Today I was walking home from Mr. Max. There was a group of teenage girls getting off of their bikes. They watched as I passed. One said girl said," Hellro!" I, of course said hello back. They then said bye, I said good bye back. I  told them to  have a good day, the girls  said good dai......we all started giggling. They were SO excited to us English!

My place is coming together little by little

Ma couch

My bed. The tail hanging from my light. Not an animal there. 

 As far as work...I start with the kids tomorrow....I have been working my tail off everyday some nights until 7:30.I  even worked weekends and spring break to get to this day.....

I cut out 120 of theses...

                                                               to put them up here. the trunk was made by another teacher

1 comment:

  1. Very cute!
    I hope you have a blast working with the kids!
