Sunday, March 13, 2011

2:45pm 3/11/11

 At 2:45pm 3/11/11 I was privileged to witness the strength and beauty of the the children of Nippon.

I am working on my personal experiences in Sendai. It is very was devastating.....I wont post it here. If you want your own copy...msg me. I will send it to you when done. For now a shower and a bed....however the after shocks keep rolling....even in Gunma....

I got out of Sendai. I came home and crumpled on the floor and wept for an hour....

 This is the first shelter I was in.....we all just slept on the floor. 
Me at the shelter......


  1. Wow, I'm so glad you're ok! I would be interested in reading your story when you have it ready, if you're ok sharing it with me. <3 ~birdie.

  2. If you are willing to share, I would like to read.

    *hugs you*

  3. MK...I will send it to you tonight. <3
